Desarrollo y Mantenimiento de Sistemas Informáticos

4º. 1er cuatrimestre. Itinerario de Sistemas de la Información. Grado en Ingeniería Informática. ULL

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Deploying to Vercel

Follow the instructions at the tutorial Deploying Your Next.js App

Deploying with the Vercel CLI

You can also use the Vercel CLI to interact with and configure your projects, enabling you to retrieve logs, manage certificates, replicate your deployment environment locally, manage Domain Name System (DNS) records, etc. It is a wrapper around the Vercel API.

Here is an example of use:

➜  nextjs-blog git:(main) vercel login
Vercel CLI 28.10.1
> Log in to Vercel github
> Success! GitHub authentication complete for
Congratulations! You are now logged in. In order to deploy something, run `vercel`.
💡  Connect your Git Repositories to deploy every branch push automatically (
➜  nextjs-blog git:(main) vercel ls
Vercel CLI 28.10.1
? Set up “~/campus-virtual/2223/learning/nextjs-learning/nextjs-tutorial/nextjs-blog”? [Y/n] y
? Which scope should contain your project? crguezl
? Found project “crguezl/nextjs-blog”. Link to it? [Y/n] y
🔗  Linked to crguezl/nextjs-blog (created .vercel and added it to .gitignore)
> Deployments for nextjs-blog under crguezl [645ms]
> To list deployments for a project, run `vercel ls [project]`.

  Age     Deployment                                           Status      Duration
  22m     ● Ready     38s

Watch the video Vercel - Create a Next.js App and Deploy with Vercel CLI:


If you have trouble with this or other Next.js steps use GitHub Discussions: next.js